A Behavioral Health Management Company

Giving Back with HeART
October 9, 2014
On Thursday, October 9, 2014 Mission West Virginia held a benefit auction called “Giving Back with Heart” that showcased artwork created and donated by inmates at Mt. Olive Correctional Complex. Proceeds from the auction will go to support a scholarship fund created for youth in foster care and those of incarcerated parents.
The extraordinary art provided by inmates included a handmade dulcimer; sketch art; sculptures; a wooden carousel horse; poetry and paintings. Many of the artists didn’t know their talents until they started using art to express themselves while in prison. “This event is more than an art auction; it is an opportunity for inmates to give back to the community in a way that benefits children and provides hope for an end to the poverty cycle,” Mission West Virginia Executive Director David Rogers said. “When you can combine constructive therapy through the creation of art with a chance to help deserving youth further their education, everyone wins.”

Employee of the Year 2014
Adult Corrections Division
Angela Hoffman
Angie is an outstanding employee who has given an enormous amount of time and herself in providing quality mental health care to inmates, considerate and competent consultation to DOC staff, and her expertise and genuine care and concern in helping other PSIMED staff progress professionally and do a good job. She has been a great team player and helpful colleague.

Employee of the Year 2014
Juvenile Services Division
Marion Anderson

Purple Gala
October 16, 2014
To honor those who work to end violence against women in West Virginia.

PSIMED Annual Training 2014
PSIMED Annual Training is scheduled for October 7th & 8th at Edgewood Country Club.
A cookout will be held at PSIMED office after the training on the evening of the 7th.
Edgewood Country Club
1600 Edgewood Drive
Charleston, WV

Suicide Prevention Proclamation
Governor Tomblin presented the Suicide Prevention Proclamation declaring September 7-13, 2014 Suicide Prevention Week in WV on Wednesday, September 10th at 12:00 pm. The Proclamation Ceremony took place in the Governor’s Reception area.
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Charleston Distance Run
The Charleston Distance Run (CDR) was held on August 31, 2014. America's only 15-mile race is a scenic but challenging course, starting at our majestic State Capitol, taking you through downtown, rolling through our beautiful hillside neighborhoods, and along Charleston's riverfront. PSIMED staff participated in various CDR events:
Chrissy Cole- 15 Mile Run
Rita Pauley - 15 Mile Run
Jeff Bryson – 5K Run
Katie Sauls – 5K Run
Kara Caldwell – 10K Walk
Capital City Challenge
September 13, 2014
This race consists of a 4.2 mile run, a 4.2 mile row, and a 16.8 mile bike ride all along the banks of the Kanawha River. All racer registration fees go directly to support The Counseling Connection, a non-profit organization that provides for problems related to: abuse, ADHD, anxiety, depression, family and marital problems, substance abuse, and trauma.
PSIMED 2:43:31
Brandon Dean (run 4.2)
Angie Hoffman (kayak 4.2)
Russ (bike 16.8)
WV Division of Corrections 2:24:30
Lindsey Searls (run 4.2)
Paul Stump (kayak 4.2)
Jennifer Ballard (bike 16.8)
Wexford Health Sources 2:41:30
Becky Moore (run 4.2)
Mary Westfall (kayak 4.2)
Ken Hartman (bike 16.8)
Individual Participants
Dr. Tim Thistlethwaite 2:19:39
Rita Pauley 2:30:01

Birdies for FCA / The Greenbrier Classic 2014
February 2013
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5th Annual Warrior Run
November 2nd, 2013
The Wounded Warrior Race was held at Parchment Valley in Ripley WV, on November 2, 2013. PSIMED participants included Rita Pauley, VP Operations, Kara Caldwell, Lead Psychologist for Lakin Correctional Center and Kara’s son Vladimir Moore. Rita and Vladimir both placed third in their age divisions.

Jingle Bell Run
December 2013
Rita Pauley
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Charleston Distance Run
September 2012
Charleston Distance Run 2013 Relay Team
Kara Caldwell
Rita Pauley
Chrissy Cole
Rita and Tim Thistlethwaite also ran the full 15 mile distance run.
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Corrections Day State Capitol 2013
February 2013
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Take Me Out To the Ballgame
Take me out to the ballgame. Evening out. PSIMED and Wexford.
Tom Hassen, April Bell, Mary Westfall, Rita Pauley and Ken Hartman

West Virginia University Doctoral Students - PSIMED
March 2012
PSIMED welcomes WVU doctoral level students! These students are assigned to Pruntytown and Salem Correctional Centers for the 2013-2014 academic year. Left to right: Suzan Clemens, Tom Horacek (supervising psychologist), Pam Tessier, Casey Cavanaugh and Matt McNally.

Walk the Walk
May 4, 2013
WVU Track in Morgantown, WV
Mental Health America of Monongalia County organizes the "Walk the Walk" every year during May, which is Mental Health Month. Community members are encouraged to participate to raise money for those who can't afford mental health services on their own.
Andraa Terrant, Richie Mullin, Kayla Mullin, and Maritza Munoz.

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Girls on the Run
Girl’s on the Run (GOTR) – PSIMED sponsored Chamberlain Elementary School located in Charleston. This program is for 3rd-5th graders and inspires girls to be joyful, healthy and confident using a fun, experience-based curriculum which creatively integrates running. Girls on the Run is a transformational physical activity based positive youth development program. This program teaches life skills through dynamic, interactive lessons and running games. The program culminates with the girls being physically and emotionally prepared to complete a celebratory 5k running event. The goal of the program is to unleash confidence through accomplishment while establishing a lifetime appreciation of health and fitness.