A Behavioral Health Management Company

Corrections & Rehabilitation Services
Criminal Justice Rehabilitation
PSIMED offers specialized criminogenic group therapy programs to target risk factors above and beyond general recidivism. PSIMED adheres to the risk needs and responsivity model of criminal justice rehabilitation to help patients identify their individualize needs that will help them successfully reintegrate back into their communities.
Crisis Intervention Services
PSIMED staff are available onsite and have a 24-hour emergency on-call system to provide crisis assessment and intervention services for patients. Services are intended to stabilize the patient so they can be referred for additional mental health services as appropriate. Interventions can include assessment and management of acute mental health crises or assessment of suicide/self-directed violence risk.
PSIMED provides evaluation and assessment services for patients to help identify treatment needs, engage in treatment and reentry planning, and to clarify diagnoses.
Psychiatric Services
Medication management is offered if your evaluation suggests that medication may improve your functioning, we will follow up with you on a regular basis to ensure the medication is effective, while causing minimal to no side effects.
Reentry Planning
PSIMED staff work closely with reentry coordinators at the facilities to help find placement and treatment for offenders on the mental health unit, the behavior health unit, the dementia unit, or upon request from the facility. Mental health staff can help facilitate appropriate treatment options and assist offenders with significant mental health concerns in establishing safe housing and making mental health appointments in the community.
Specialized Units
PSIMED has worked collaboratively with the West Virginia Division of Corrections to develop treatment units that provide more intensive treatment for patients who require more services than can be provided in nonresidential therapy or psychiatric care. These units represent a higher level of care with the goal of helping patients return to their previous living situation in a stable and safe manner.
Substance Use Treatment
PSIMED mental health staff incorporate substance use treatment into all aspects of individual and group therapy for patients who have substance use diagnoses. PSIMED utilizes evidenced based dual diagnosis treatment protocols in individual and group therapy and in the treatment protocols of specialized treatment units. Therapy and reentry planning incorporates a strong focus on recovery both within the criminal justice system and when our patients return to their communities.
Patients have access to both individual and group therapy. Therapy is based on a brief cognitive-behavioral intervention model with a focus on present/future focused skills development. Treatment plans are collaboratively developed between the individual therapist and the patient to address treatment goals that are dynamic and meaningful to the patient. Common treatment goals include addressing emotional and behavioral distress. Group therapy can provide present focus, skills based therapy to multiple patients who present with similar treatment needs. A group therapy format can allow for increased peer support, pro-social peer interactions, and an efficient delivery of evidenced based treatment. Examples of group therapy include: