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A Behavioral Health Management Company
New Year’s Resolutions (SMART GOALS)
New Year’s Resolutions (SMART GOALS) Every year, people make new year resolutions around this time. You often hear people saying, “Next...
Running- By Lindsey Devaughn, MSW
I was an avid runner since 2003 then 2020 came along. COVID did not stop me from running. It was the multiple deaths we had in our family...
You're Taking Up Space
I can guarantee that as long as you are reading this article right now, no matter where you are, no matter what you are doing, that you...
Building Bridges of Respect
Recently PSIMED Morgantown was invited to participate in an event, Building Bridges of Respect, sponsored by: Communities of Shalom,...
Telehealth Should Become a Permanent Option
Around the second week of March 2020, I arrived at work and was told that one of my afternoon clients would be a Zoom meeting because he...
Running- part 2
People say that I run away from my trauma. I do not see it that way. I run because it helps me to work through the trauma. Running is...
Mental Health and Chronic Illness
Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.” — Albus Dumbledore from Harry Potter...
Mental Health Awareness Week
With all the focus on our physical health and staying safe from Covid-19, we sometimes forget the mental stress and trauma we are...
Why Lavender Matters
Getting back to basics and learning skills for self-care are integral components of the Lakin Correctional Center Green Farm Reentry...
A Flower Blog
If you look at the flower patch in the yard beside my rock wall, your first instinct may be to ask me what happened to them. Were they...
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