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Prescription For Success by Nancy Georges, Ph. D.

Prescription for success:

More sleep, + less stress, + less-inflammation, + better nutrition = delay aging,

In my opinion, exercise acts as a release of pent up emotions. The role physical exertion plays in our body is multidimensional in nature. What we do know is that moderate exercise lowers our risk for infection or malignancy. Exercise releases contaminants in our body by increasing breathing, producing sweat, and facilitating blood circulation. All of these mechanisms support the body in its fight against inflammation, which in essence helps to reduce the chance of toxins to build up in our body. We acquire bodily poisons from a number of factors such inhalation (exposure to environmental pollutants such as dust, or poor air quality); ingestion (swallowing material in food, or prescribed or abused drugs); and through the pores in our skin. Poisons lead to health problems because they are absorbed in the digestive tract, and cause inflammation which can lead to organ damage. Physical Exertion fends off disease by supporting the immune system. Exercising helps to maintain a healthy body weight, and promotes long term health. We may even live longer lives because our quality of life has improved.

Overall, aches, and pains don’t seem as severe, and which may increase mobility. By feeling good, energy levels rise to promote more activities of daily living. Furthermore, your outlook on life improves. and when this happens anxiety levels may lower, as well as experiencing an improvement in an overall. Exercise promotes wellness, mindfulness, and a sense of being; we learn to find a ‘state of wellness’, within whatever disease state we may have.

So now, the physiology behind it all: Endorphins are peptides that have an effect throughout our bodies. In the brain they function as neurotransmitters, and neuromodulators; they restore homeostasis. A moderate exercise routine is found to increase the levels of circulating B- endorphins. As mentioned above, this helps to combat pathogens, such as bacteria, viruses, and other infectious microorganisms. Furthermore, activity helps regulate blood sugar by reducing poisons in our organs. Using our muscles improves the way insulin works. Moderate, not strenuous exercise is often recommended. Strenuous exercise such as weight-lifting; sprints/running/biking or completion sports, triggers adrenaline, which raises blood glucose levels by stimulating the liver to release glucose.

What happens to our bodies when we don’t exercise in moderation, we miss out on all of the benefits mentioned above. So, the bodies defense against illness, ; immune system becomes depressed, and our White Blood Cells, which are disease fighters decrease in numbers. This makes us susceptible to contract medical illness. Regular exercise promotes sleep, and is a coping skill for stress.


Don’t stay in 1 (one place), move around especially if you have a desk job sometimes with meetings or paperwork. Get up, stretch, take a walk during lunch, without distraction such as cell phones. That might mean getting away from your co-workers during the day. Walk around, be still, and find that inner peace. We live in such a noisy world and the noise in our head can sometimes be overwhelming. If you are able to keep track of your steps, aim for 10.000, daily, for at least 5 days per week. Anymore is definitely a plus. I read somewhere that an apple or android phone can track steps without having to wear a fit bit, for those working with safety precautions or in areas where electronic devices are prohibited.

Take a set of weights with you and keep in your car to access when needed or tucked away in our office. Leg weights I found are a good idea when having to sit for lengthy periods of time. Put on a pair of sneakers, and walk outside on your lunch hour. Avoid keeping high calorie snacks in your office such as foods high in Carbohydrates (CHO’S), sugar or fat. Also, purchase a Yoga matt, and hit the floor, at home, gym; after hours. There are specific Yoga exercises for lower back pain; consult with a Chiropractor especially 1 (one) who implements acupuncture (needling), in his practice.

5 (five) Isometric Moves listed below, in what I’ve read are helpful to prevent stiffness throughout a work day.

  1. Weighted Squats

  2. Dumbbell Floor Press

  3. Dead Lift

  4. Bicep Curls

  5. Plank

Weighted Squats:

Stand with feet hip-width apart, a weight in each hand and arms down by your sides. Keeping knees behind the toes, bend your knees and lower your body toward the floor until your thighs are almost parallels with the floor. Hold for three seconds, then push hard through the floor as you return to standing. REPEAT 12 (TWELVE), times.

Dumbbell Floor Press:

Lie face up on the floor with knees bent and feet flat. Place a weight in each hand and keeping your elbows on the floor; lift your hands until your forearm forms a 90-degree angles with the floor, palms facing forward. From this position, press the weights up, without letting them touch, until your arm are fully extended above you. Pause for a second, slowly lower your elbows to the floor for a count of five seconds. REPEAT 12 (TWELVE), times.

Dead Lift:

Stand with your feet hip-width apart and hold a weight in each hand palms facing body. Keeping your back flat, hinge forward from the hips and lower your torso until it’s almost parallel with the floor, letting your arms hang in front of your shins. Hold for five seconds. From this position, return to standing, squeezing the glutes as you do.

Bicep Curl:

Stand with your feet hip-width apart, weights in each hand, arms down by your sides with palms facing forward. Keeping your elbows glued into your body, lift your hands up toward your shoulders. Hold for three seconds. RELEASE, and repeat 12 times.


Get on the floor on your hands and knees with your wrists aligned under your shoulders. Extend your legs behind you so that your body forms one long line from your head to your toes. Hold the plank for 30 seconds, take a quick bread, and repeat for another 30 seconds.


Fisher, L.

Gundry, MD.

Myers, Amy MD

Personal Experience per this writer:

Roles of β-Endorphin in Stress, Behavior, Neuroinflammation, and Brain Energy Metabolism Int J Mol. Sci., 2021 Jan; 22(1): 338. Published online 2020 Dec 30. doi: 10.3390/ijms22010338 Pilozzi, A; Carro C., Huang X.

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